The Hysterical Attack, detail
The Hysterical Attack
Unrecognizable, Unidentifiable
Unrecognizable, Unidentifiable
Embrace the other, the first encounter
Embrace the other, the first encounter
Her body, Their body
Her body, Their body
Her body, Their body
The Hysterical Attack, detail
The Hysterical Attack, detail

Acrylic paint, spray paint, poly-acrylic, inks, gel transfer, thread, white pencil, pins on canvas

213.5cm x 213.5cm x 4cm


The Hysterical Attack
The Hysterical Attack

Acrylic paint, spray paint, poly-acrylic, inks, gel transfer, thread, white pencil, pins on canvas

213.5cm x 213.5cm x 4cm


Unrecognizable, Unidentifiable
Unrecognizable, Unidentifiable

Acrylic paint, spray paint, poly-acrylic, inks, gel transfer, thread on canvas

213.5cm x 213.5cm x 4cm


Unrecognizable, Unidentifiable
Unrecognizable, Unidentifiable

Acrylic paint, spray paint, poly-acrylic, inks, gel transfer, thread on canvas

213.5cm x 213.5cm x 4cm


Embrace the other, the first encounter
Embrace the other, the first encounter

Acrylic paint, gel transfer, spray paint, poly-acrylic, inks, thread on canvas

213.5cm x 213.5cm x 4cm


Embrace the other, the first encounter
Embrace the other, the first encounter

Acrylic paint, gel transfer, spray paint, poly-acrylic, inks, thread on canvas

213.5cm x 213.5cm x 4cm


Her body, Their body
Her body, Their body

Acrylic paint, spray paint, thread, fabric, pillow stuffing, yarn, gel transfer on canvas

213.5cm x 91.5cm x 6cm


Her body, Their body
Her body, Their body

Acrylic paint, spray paint, gel transfer on canvas

213.5cm x 91.5cm x 6cm


Her body, Their body
Her body, Their body

Acrylic paint, pins, and gel transfer on canvas

213.5cm x 91.5cm x 6cm